Saturday is my domestic day. The day I try to fit in all the things that need to be done at home. Even though it is summer I am still programed to do this. During the school year I leave home between 7:20 and 7:30 in the morning and get home around 6:45 in the evening. After supper is made and consumed, then the kitchen cleaned, I don't feel much like doing chores. But on Saturday morning, after coffee and a bit of reading, I am out working in the yard by 8:00 or earlier. There's mowing, weeding, harvesting, and watering to be done with lots of dog cuddling and playing mixed in. I stop around 11-11:30 because you never finish that stuff and it gets hot at that time of day, and it's lunch time anyway. After a quick bite, lots of water, and a shower, it's on to the inside stuff. There's vacuuming, dusting, and scrubbing. I stop that around 3:00 because you never finish that stuff and I need to get the marketing done. There's driving to the market, finding all the things on my list, checking out--which takes longer than the shopping, driving home, and putting it all away. Did I tell you that I hate shopping, all shopping. I did not get the shopping gene. Then, gee, it's time to cook supper...
Sunday is laundry day...
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