I have the tendency to get lost in my job/life and not pick my head up and look around. I neglect my friends, myself, my personal life. I find myself living in a tight little circle of work-home-sleep-work. It's not healthy. And, it amazes me that my friends still remember me and like me. I am endeavoring to be a better friend this year...truly I am...and it's a gift to myself...but I hope my friends will enjoy it as well. I hope I can stick to that.
On Sunday I went antique browsing and thoroughly enjoyed it. I do not need another thing in my house, but I do love to look. I love writing desks and library tables, hutches and enameled kitchen tables, side chairs, jewelry, books, glass...I have a thing for green and blue glass. I can spend many hours looking.
Monday I spent with my friend Jeannine who lives in Florida. It was so great to spend time with her. She is a very key part to who I am today...she is the person who taught me how to drive and so much more. I promised to scan and send her pictures from the summer of 1973. We took a mega road trip that summer which we reminisced about and laughed about. So yesterday I pulled out my old photo albums and scanned and send them off. I had a great time looking through these old albums. I haven't looked at them for many years. Damn, I looked good in the 70's.
Today I am being very good to myself...I am having a massage. I love and really need massage. I am fortunate that I have found a great masseur. She has great rates, too.
Hey new friends...treat yourself to a massage soon.